Friday, August 8, 2008

Who wants to hear a cuy have its neck snapped?

If the answer is yes, click on the title of this post.

From recordings I made in Peru four years ago. South Americans call them cuy (coo-ee) because, well, that's the sound they make and it makes more sense than guinea pig.


Paper-paper said...

"Ay! Sangre de sacrado! Que paso?"

That was better than I imagined with the little squeak in the end.

1. When and why were you in Peru?
2. Who were those people?
3. Were you learning how to prepare guinea pig in their kitchen?

Perhaps the answers to these questions are already posted farther back in the blog but I haven't gotten there yet. Thanks for turning me on to your blog and for recording the death of a small animal for me.


herself said...

1. At the end of high school with the upper level Spanish class.
2. A host family in Ollantetambo
3. Yes. Yes I was.